
Age Exchange

From March 2019 – March 2020 I regularly co-delivered creative sessions as a Reminiscence Arts Practitioner (vetted through Age Exchange) at EachStep Blackley. This work was through an innovative Age Exchange/Community Integrated Care project, the EachStep Club whereby eight practitioners engaged with those living with dementia, their carers and families over a twelve-month period until the pandemic when we could no longer deliver in person sessions.

In May 2020 as part of this project I was asked to design several activities for Activity Boxes.

Working with Kate in ‘Each Step Club’ for Age Exchange can be described in one word: JOY… Kate offers herself as an artist completely and holistically, drawing together her wealth of experience stretching across different disciplines. Within the musical activities, which I led, Kate contributed confidently so as a facilitator I felt supported.

Lucy Pekr

Music Facilitator and Tutor

An Engaging Creative Facilitator

Kate leads engaging workshops with older people and those with memory issues. She ensures a rich experience in the moment.