
Mirrors & Frames

On the 22nd February 2019, six members of staff from the Whitworth Art Gallery and Manchester Museum spent an Away Day in the studio. Using frames with a large ‘canvas’ area specifically created for my workshops, participants explored personal stories through collage and assemblage techniques.

Prior to the workshop, participants were asked to bring in personal items to incorporate into their artworks. One participant even brought in her mother’s wedding ring! Throughout the day concentration levels were high and as one participant said, “you could hear a pin drop at times”.

The results were diverse. Two participants made photo frames, whilst two participants used the entire frame as an artwork and two participants created mirrors. Through the exploration of objects and materials, conversation and the process of making, participants discovered new things about each other. They also experienced the calming and focusing effects and other potential therapeutic outcomes that they champion when delivering their own work.

“Very relaxed – no pressure, supported, didn’t think about other things. I’ve managed to create something I didn’t believe I could.”

“Thank you Kate – You are MARVELLOUSLY CREATIVE”

“This is the first thing I have made that I will keep!!
So proud with what I have made. Thank you.”

An Engaging Creative Facilitator

Kate offers a variety of multimedia workshops in and outside the studio. Find out how you can experience one of her exciting sessions.