
Goosnargh Oliverson’s Primary School

In January 2019 a workshop was delivered with Year 3s at Goosnargh Oliverson’s Primary School as part of Whittingham Lives, an arts and heritage project.

Historically, many people who lived in the village worked at Whittingham Asylum/Hospital when it was in operation. Some of those people still live in the village today. A slideshow with historical photographs of Goosnargh and Whittingham was shown to begin conversation about the past and present. The session focused on Whittingham as its own community and also the Whittingham Railway. One photo from the 13th November 1915 Preston Guardian Newspaper (Courtesy Lancashire Archives) showed a drama group who presented HMS Pinafore. It was clearly taken on the current school property by a recognizable fence. The children were very excited about this.

Kate presented her artwork Who’s Driving That Train and the children were engaged in asking many questions. The children created their own houses using heritage material to explore what’s in their own house whilst considering how their house fits into an historic context. At the end of the session the children were asked to draw a face of how they felt during the session and what they learnt. Lots of smiley faces!


“Thank you for the interesting artwork, artefacts & photos to bring it to life. The children loved making the houses.”

Emma Houseman

Year 3 Teacher

A Fun Creative Facilitator

Kate leads interesting workshops exploring a wide range of materials. She encourages participants to play.